Use Guide

A mask is not a substitute for other precautions

Using a mask mayย provide a false sense of security.ย The use of a mask and only a mask will not prevent infection.ย 

Remember, the best waysย to protect yourself andย othersย against COVID-19 remain:ย 

  • practicing physical distancing from others of at least 1.5m
  • proper hang hygiene, washing your hands or using hand santiser
  • coughingย or sneezingย into your elbow or tissue
  • staying home when sick
  • avoiding large crowds & gatherings

For more information on masks, how to wear, put on and remove a mask visitยย 

Tips on face masks

  • Wash or sanitise your hands before putting on or taking off your mask.
  • Ensureย the mask covers your nose and mouth and fits snugly under your chin, over the bridge of your nose and against the sides of your face.
  • Refrainย from touching the front of your mask while wearing or removing it.
  • Do not allowย the mask to hang around your neck or under your nose.
  • Do not reuseย single-use masks.
  • Washย and dryย reusable masks after use and store in a clean, dry place.

Who should not wear a mask

Masks should not be worn by:

  • toddlers under 2 years of age and babies, as they are a choking and suffocation risk
  • anyone who has trouble breathing wearing a mask
  • anyone who is unable to remove the mask themselves without assistance
  • people who are deaf or hard of hearing (and their contacts), as for some people with hearing disabilities the mouth is essential for communication.

All information has been taken from NSW Goverment / NSW Health. For more information visitยย orย